Friday, January 22, 2010

I have a question about hair relaxers.?

If I start using a hair relaxer and I want to go back to the way my hair used to look naturally, do I just have to stop using the product, or is there no way to go back once I have started?

Also, are there any hair relaxers that allow me to go back to my naturally hair whenever I want to?

I have really thick and curly hair but it's kind of damaged from me straightening it, if that helps.I have a question about hair relaxers.?
No and no. There are all kind of myths out there that you can turn relaxed hair back into natural but it's just not possible. Examples: vinegar and beer will turn permed into kinky. People may think they have turned their hair back but really they are just making it brittle enough so that it appears they no longer have relaxed tresses. If your hair is relaxed hair you must recognize that the bonds of the hair coils are broken to make it straight and it is essentially damaged hair. Deep condition regularly, do protein treatments and just use a good leave in conditioner as well as all of the above if you do get a relaxer.

The only way to get rid of a relaxer? Stop touch ups and transition back to natural the hard way and somewhere along teh way you have to cut of the straight ends.

Different relaxers may claim to be ';gentler'; but most have the same ingredients and contain the same type of chemicals that are in hair deplilatories. You sacrifice the ability to go back and forth with a relaxer since as I said above it takes some pretty harsh chemiclals to permenantly change the structure of hair which is why your scalp burns and develops scabs.

If you want to embrace your natural texture and learn more info about relaxers:

the book Curly Girl by Lorraine Massey鈥?/a>

';Embrace your hair and your life will follow';I have a question about hair relaxers.?
If you want to get rid of the relaxer you can do the Big Chop[I don't know how that works though] or stop using the product completely.

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