Saturday, January 23, 2010

I applied hair relaxer yesterday but it did not work. should i reapply it today? i used soft and beautiful. ?

i used the relaxer yesterday, but it did not make a big difference at all. also i used half of the bottle just like it said on it. i also left it four about 15 min. I applied hair relaxer yesterday but it did not work. should i reapply it today? i used soft and beautiful. ?
If your hair is a little more on the coarse side, then 15 minutes might not have been enough, but definitely do not go back and relax it again today! Your hair is in a really fragile state right now, so make sure you give your hair some serious TLC before you try it again. Deep condition your hair and mainly make sure your hair stays moisturized or else you'll notice severe breakage. I'd say you could probably try the relaxer again in 6-8 weeks. Good luck!I applied hair relaxer yesterday but it did not work. should i reapply it today? i used soft and beautiful. ?
Well depending on how thick your hair is, and you have to honestly evaluate that, you have to leave it on longer, however


Please go to the SALON to get it. I'd rather always pay a profession $40 dollars for the same fly result than burn my hair off, scald my scalp, and wind up hairless. Tomorrow, let your hair rest, then deep condition it the next day. wait six weeks just to be safe and then go get it done at a salon. I'm not saying that your bad at it, because everyone who does relaxers has to learn right? I'm just saying that perms are like surgery. Leave it to the professionals.

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